Ahhhh Spring break. Spring break for me as a kid held the activities that we looked forward to the most because it was a break from school, a break from homework, and a break from having to take tests. However, spring break as parents in this generation, to get our kids off their tv, phones, video games, for most of the day would be an accomplishment. So I have compiled a list of things that you can do with your teenager during this beautiful time of the year that they (and we) look forward to.
Take them to an amusement park – let’s be honest, they’re not going to be babies for much longer and soon enough you will be asking yourself if you even have a child. All they’re going to want to do is hang out with her friends and spend time anywhere but at home. However, if you can show them that you’re a cool parent and still have some fun in you. This spring I’m taking my kids to an amusement park where we can spend time together outdoors, walking around. I’m sure it’ll help create some favorite memories!
Horseback riding! – This is one activity I’ve yet to take my son to. I’m a little anxious because he gets overly excited about certain things. Horseback riding would be great at sunset and would help create some lifelong memories. The reason behind me not taking my son horseback riding is because he is a fan of speed and I really think he’ll try to take off and gallop away into the sunset without really knowing how or how fast a horse can go.
Beach time – Dependent on where you are going, the beach might still be a little too cold. But if not, it would make a great date for you and your kids! You can even offer to bring along their friends for added cool parent points. Bring along a few sheets to sit on, snacks, and activities for everyone to enjoy. Bonus points if you have swimming gear, boogie boards, etc. on hand!
Biking – this is an easy one no matter where you are. As someone who lives in the city I’ve only taken my son bike riding when it was in parks like Central Park, Flushing Meadow Park, Kissena Park etc. However, I just recently upgraded his bike from a little boy’s bike to a big boy bike and it is the new Huffy 24” Scout Boys’ Hardtail 21-Speed Mountain Bike, available at Walmart. I am super excited to take him bike riding on a slightly harder trail than the sidewalks of New York City. I already love Huffy bikes for their adorable, instagramable look so when I heard they were coming out with these awesome mountain bikes, I knew my son would be thrilled and it would allow him to ride with confidence. These bikes also come in a 26” size for all you ladies looking for a new bike for the men in your life. Riding bikes together is not only a great way to bond but also doubles as a great way to stay in shape together.
Fishing – My son has just been going through this weird phase of really wanting to go fishing. Again living in a city and finding an exposed fishable place is not the easiest so it’s definitely on my to do list at least by the end of the year. I think it’s one of those things that he just really wants to experience at least once in his lifetime. I’m a big believer that fishing is a great bonding experience between you and your child. It’s a teachable moment about patience and enjoying the silence. But when they finally catch that first fish, it will be worth it and something they can brag about when they get back to school.
Take Them Out To a Game – If your kid is majorly into sports, take them to a an actual game! Game nights are such fun for the whole family. Your child being able to watch their sports heroes in action while enjoying a hot dog, it can’t get any better than that!
Rock Climbing! – I took my son rock climbing during his winter break and he absolutely loved it. Rock climbing is perfect for your kids and is a secret way to get them exercising. Plus, the adrenaline junkies in them will thank you later because being that high up can be such a thrill! Rock climbing also requires quite some puzzle solving skills that will challenge your kids critical thinking.
Traveling – Of course this one would take a lot more planning since traveling alone is tiring enough and with kids it’s even harder. However, if executed properly, your kids would love it. Traveling with your family is the best way to educate your kids about different cultures, different people, different types of cuisines and lifestyles all while having an amazing experience together.
Volunteer – We are at a day and age where humanity is taught less and less. There is no time like the present to start. Volunteering encourages empathy and compassion for others, especially at a stage where kids are very self involved. When you take the time to start teaching them young, you’re potentially impacting our future leaders.
Introduce a New Hobby – It’s never too late to discover something new. Maybe introduce them to a new class whether it be instrumental, self defense, or something creative like photography or painting. I recently got myself an iPad for work and my son ended up taking in a record time of four hours of usage. Turns out he was actually getting into drawing and not watching videos and playing games. While my iPad was not intended for this, it’s been a pleasant surprise and helps get him away from the TV and video games.
These are just a few suggestions on what you can do with your kids this spring. The truth is that they are not going to be your babies for much longer and sooner rather than later they will be off to college, only able to see them around the holidays. Definitely take advantage while they are young and spend some quality time together while you can still instill the family values you believe in.
This post was sponsored by Huffy Bicycles.

Link to Boy’s bike: http://spr.ly/Yuenahuffyscoutboys
Link to the matching men’s bike: http://spr.ly/Yuenahuffyscoutmens

Until next time my loves, Yuena
TALK TO MEEE! Let’s be friends!! 😀
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